Behind the Scenes Part Two: Unfiltered on Energy 101
0:00 Diving them up now or like when we do yeah, we're giving them up now Do yeah, okay?
0:08 I already mixed them. I don't know what okay. What what?
0:13 Mike check when can I do check thing attention, please everybody mentioned me to sent to sit The lives for free This is how
0:28 I would actually talk wait, I don't know my new year's resolution You got these quiet during my my text. This is my my check. Yes
0:39 Take you
0:43 Jimmy keep talking It is the fun as well guys. Thank you We need jobs to get up here and do the pee-wee Herman. Oh, yeah, wait. Are you are you gonna be Jules un elevated - It's my turn. So,
0:58 excuse me - You're the first to fight - Excuse me. It's my turn - I'm getting in trouble now - I'm not - But did you say BCDEAS - Yes - You may see
1:12 the move this year - What did
1:16 you say? Did you say that I was going to do something on elevated surfaces on the podcast - Oh, okay. If you want to go there - You see that should be unfiltered with Jules, then a bitches on all
1:28 the answers - Can we introduce your new and filtered with Jules? Is that already a podcast - Unfiltered, probably - Can I bring my friends on though -
1:39 I'm totally sorry - You guys talk about energy - Yeah - I'm like, I'm inside by the energy - You're going to teach us something, Jules?
1:50 Are we going to explain this first? Oh, yeah. Are we doing that at the beginning? Yeah. We should. Are you serious? Kick it off. All right. As easy as helpful. Oh,
1:60 I mean, thank you.
2:06 Who's um, do you have all this episode? I can't hear you can. Or you, when you all, you'll never, I did. I did behind the scenes last night. I'll do it again. Okay. Okay
2:18 I'm just kidding. Hey, welcome back to another episode of energy 101. This is a behind the scenes episode with the bad bitches club. The you are my favorite. Today is Friday. Fun Friday. Fun
2:31 Friday. Fun Friday. And so we're going to kick this episode off. Oh, we're starting with that. Yeah, we're coming straight off. Good. That's good. I'm in hot off the gates.
2:39 I wanted to end with it, but if y'all want to start with it, well, I think we're starting with it. I don't think we have a chance. We're starting with that.
2:46 I made the executive decision for us today. We're starting with, so this is the game. So we have four cups here on the table and three of them have water in them and one of them has a shot at
2:58 tequila, but we don't know which one. So to all of our viewers, you guys have to guess, oh wait, let me back up. So we're all gonna drink it one by one And the goal of the game is to not guess
3:11 who has a tequila. No. Can we guess each other? We can guess each other. You don't wanna make a face. So whoever has a tequila shot just wants to see your along. So we gotta look into the camera,
3:22 our own camera. I feel like I'm really bad at this. So whoever has a tequila shot has to keep a straight face. I feel like Jules is gonna win and I hope that she has it. I just hope I have it just
3:32 for the sake of taking a shot. Well, we'll start with, I'll go first. Okay, go first. Okay, this is my camera. I think I'm gonna, I wanna like laugh. I feel like having people to this - No,
3:41 I'm gonna laugh too - Okay -
3:44 Work out that.
3:53 We do. Yeah, yeah. I was good. Okay, I'm nervous
4:08 I'm gonna take a while to get to say you had the tequila. Oh my god, I didn't want to do that. Oh my god. Oh
4:22 my god. Okay. You have the radiance in your life. I was already for that. I really thought I had the tequila. I smell it. I know. I was like, do you need that? I'm gonna throw up. I'm not
4:29 good at this game. Are you?
4:36 I was not expecting that.
4:39 Oh my god. Joel's like, Can't keep up with you. I want to die right now. Okay. That's
4:52 the game. That was amazing. That was amazing. We can just end the vlog right here. This actually went way better than I thought. Way better than expected I'm drinking some water. Are you okay?
5:05 It really not. Really? I feel like the tag for this episode is going to be Watch Joelie.
5:14 You were so proud of it and that when you joke that. You really were. I was like, She's gone for it. I feel like your issue is that you tried to take it like a shot instead of just like. Nobody
5:26 did she smelt it. I didn't know. True. I should have gone lost.
5:32 No, it's okay. No, you're on the yacht at all - Yeah, that was awesome - That was awesome - Dude, that was amazing - It was that hurt so bad - Okay, I'm gonna go get some eeped shells - Okay -
5:41 You're gonna go well - Oh, okay -
5:44 Okay - Give me a thumbs up - I was gonna give a thumbs up too - Bye - It was good - See you soon -
5:53 Girls take a shot - Yeah, now I feel like in the spirit of Julie Dye - Mm-hmm.
6:03 Obviously, not that tequila.
6:10 Oh.
6:20 Sydney can't take a shot. She's doing dry. Yeah. Yeah. Just being a good girl. It's a mini dry January for doing taking a shot in honor of you. Oh, please. I was actually going to say that
6:31 y'all have to take a shot because that was a epic fail. It wasn't an epic fail. That was epic content. We're going above and beyond here. Digital odd cudders. We go above and beyond our content.
6:45 I don't think everyone in drink ever. That burns. I'm sorry. I really I can all that I was after I'm like already. I thought I had it. I did too. I was confident in mind being water. My mom
6:56 isn't like when I do it like a joke. Tina, close your eyes for this one. Why? I don't know. She's like, don't take shots because when I take shots, it just never ends. Well, you know, I mean,
7:08 my my paperclip pants. Oh, no. This episode. No, I know. But don't let me throw enough or pants Cheers.
7:18 Good for you guys. I legit feel like I'm still gonna throw up - I don't know - Wow, you, how did you - Missy is a gem - Like I chased, like what -
7:29 Oh, that's it? That got my like -
7:33 I'm like, oh really - I know, I know, I'm like - I'm like, that was a really big shot - All, you're right - You know what, I would have threw out the vibe of taking that - And it's not cold -
7:43 'Cause the chill girl - You're getting burned - Like,
7:47 to kill my face - I have to kill my face - I have makeup going down my face - Okay, great idea, Joel -
7:53 That went way better than I could expect it, honestly. That's how we're kicking off this episode - Yeah - You're chaos - You're chaos - You're chaos - That's how we thrive - Yeah - So, let's get
8:05 back into it. What is everyone's New Year's resolution? Can I, I'll go first. So, for all of you guys that don't know, we had a wine night like a month ago, and
8:19 I had one too many glasses of wine and just let me back up. I'm not flexible and I cannot do the splits. But that night, you were really going for it - Can we please put that in the video - I feel
8:34 like we need to like answer - I'll cut it too and then I'll do that - Don't, don't do that, I'm scared.
8:48 And so anyways, when we went over break, Colin was like, everyone needs to go home and learn a skill and then come back and tell us what you learned. So naturally, I'm like, I'm gonna teach
8:57 myself how to do the splits. Well, I'm sad to inform you guys that it didn't happen. So where I'm going with this is my new year's resolution is I'm gonna do the splits if it's the last thing I do
9:09 on this earth before 2020 is over - Well, Jules, I feel like learning to do the splits in like a two-week span is a really lofty goal and I feel like you need to find like a stretch. program that
9:20 you do every day. You know what? I will get you there. We're not just trying to do it once a day. So once a day, 11 o'clock at night after I've had a couple of drinks was my strategic plan over
9:31 break. And it - It didn't
9:36 end well. It didn't end well. So maybe we're going to try a different plan. And also to just be happy in 2023. 2023 is a good year for me. I love that. That's a really good one. Yeah. Misty,
9:46 me I think I am going to try to be a little bit more vocal. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Misty. Yeah. I love that. I know. Thank you. Especially around this place, you've got to say it with your chest.
10:01 Are you in your personal and business life? Yeah. I mean, more so here. I feel like I am more vocal outside of here. Yeah. OK. That is good. I love that. Yeah, I do too. And we'll just shut
10:14 up. So - Oh, that's what I
10:17 was going to say - One of my goals - One of my goals. My work, my work goal is to just shut up because - I talk so much and I'll even like, I have something on my mind, I'm like, I'm gonna tell
10:27 Julie and then I look over and she's like super focused. I'm like, Julian, don't say it, don't say it. 'Cause I know Julie gets so annoyed at me probably just 'cause I'm always like, Hey,
10:36 what's up? She's like, This working, what are you doing? Oh, nothing, just wanna chit chat - Yeah - Boy - That's my toxic trait, my office egg, but anyway, sorry - Your office egg for
10:48 yourself, for yourself, yeah - Oh, we're not gonna get on opposite, please - Can we please - That's exactly what you do wrong - You do wrong -
10:56 That's the next segment of the show - I have PTSD, Julie did
11:03 that - You have it, tell me mine -
11:06 Well, 'cause I thought we were doing like, I thought it was just funny. So, me
11:12 and Julie are not gonna look funny - We're not gonna be fighting there. I was kidding - No, I know, I know. But it's just a funny story now. It's like, I was getting my end year review when we
11:19 were doing all this. So I was sitting here and she's like, she's like, oh, immediately. I have an office egg for you. And I'm like, and she's like, but it's not bad or anything. And she's
11:29 like, my office egg is that you don't schedule out content - And
11:35 I was like, whoa - Shut up - I'm like, you're not doing your job - Yes, you're actually not doing your job - But I'm gonna call the office egg so it doesn't sound like a real story And then I kinda
11:44 lightly say, hey, hey. I was kind of like, I just like, I know a bit. Just 'cause I was like, oh shit, I'm like, she's telling me, fucking get your shit together - Jill's one of the bathroom
11:52 and crying - No, and she's like, well, I hope I didn't hurt your feelings. And I was like, no, it's fine - I really hope - You appreciate the honesty of it. No, but then we just settled on
12:00 it's not like, just calling if you're listening. I do still do my job. But she's like, we just have different styles, like Julie plans our content. By the way, that's another one of my 2020
12:10 food goals. Get better at it.
12:14 She's getting her end of your review on the podcast - You fail to plan, you plan to fail - Ooh -
12:20 I'm
12:24 just kidding - It's anyways, I love it -
12:27 I think I have like two main ones. My first one is to be more like consistent with my health. You guys are like, I work out a lot - I tried to eat healthy during the week, but I have no self
12:38 control because I love food so much. Like when I am like a clean plate girl, if there's food in front of me, I will eat it. I'm a dessert girl. Like I feel like I can't, I almost like on the
12:50 weekends or if I'm out, I completely cross out all the workouts I do because I have no self control. So I'm trying to be a little more
13:00 mindful of when I am like letting myself have a cheat meal or if I'm out being like, okay, like I don't need to finish the food when I'm full, but like if it tastes good, I wanna finish it I will
13:12 eat myself into a coma. So I'm trying not to do that. And then the other is, Lucas put me on a budget - Ooh - How's it going so far - You're what, a - We were just talking about budgets yesterday
13:26 - So we're using mint. It's going well. And so basically, it's, like all of your quote unquote flexible spending. So groceries, eating out, going out to bars, like that's what I need help to
13:40 track on. Again, because I love food and I spend so much money on food and I'm like, we used to do a weekly date night where like every Friday we were going out to dinner and spending like at least
13:50 300, 400. 'Cause we both love food, we love cocktails. And so finally we're like, this coming year, I'm like, okay, maybe we only do that once or twice a month. Like we don't need to do it
14:02 every week. So we're getting better about that. So I mean, I'm excited 'cause I feel like I'm not bad with money, but I am excited to like not spend so forever is that a word?
14:14 Yeah, forversely, can you please have a food blog though? It's serious, like you find all the cool places in your city - You really do - Or you know what, scratch that. When you just make
14:22 reservations and go to cool places, can you please add a plus one for me - Yeah - Yeah, all my reservations and I have three people - Three people, less tools - I'll just add them all to your
14:31 calendar, if you can come, great, if not the race - All third wheels, but third wheels, my middleweight - Yeah, I love it. So those are mine, Julie, what are yours - I love that - So mine is,
14:45 I wanna work on kind of like Misty, speaking up more kind of, this sounds weird, but like leveling up, kind of just changing the perception. Little things that I need to work on are like my
14:59 posture and just like being more professional, like as y'all can see, I haven't worn leggings this week. That's, when I say you, I know That's one of my
15:11 goals, I guess. to invest in myself and my career, because sometimes I feel like I'm so stuck at like 20 year old Julie - Yeah, no I get it - So that's my biggest one. And then side note on Jiu
15:30 Jitsu, I really wanna win a world champion this year - Fuck yeah - Yeah, wait, yes, we're coming. Hurry, you have a competition this month, right - I had to vlog 'cause I'm ankle - Oh -
15:39 Unfortunately, but damn - But your next one - My next super fun - I'm gonna be in the crowd - We're gonna get a sign, yes - I mean next
15:48 one - You're actually gonna, I might get kicked out for being like, let's go - Man -
15:54 So we used to have them at Warehouse Live. We used to have super fights and I got to fight there. It was a lot of fun - Do they do like fight nights - I guess people like anyone can like come, like
16:06 you don't know - That we should do that at Wout headers - Yeah, no - We said Haddle guard throw down I set up the MMA cage. Yeah, you know what's the pie jolt I was kidding - Colin,
16:17 Colin asked if we should sell that yesterday - Oh, I think we're gonna sell it - It's a pain, I don't want, is it - Where is it even sitting in the storage - Storage, back enough, less than money
16:29 - Yeah, that's right. I have a question for y'all. You know how some people are always like, New Year's resolutions, it's not a resolution, it's a goal. Do y'all have like a preference? I
16:41 always think it's so weird when people are like, don't call it a resolution, 'cause they're kind of like the same thing to me. Like the meaning - I know why -
16:50 I've watched the different - You know what - I know - I know - But isn't it so funny to me that like, every year it's like that day, like, okay, we're gonna change our whole life, and then a week
16:59 later everyone's just kind of like, you know, so I'm, I don't know - New Year, not new me - Yeah, right - New Year, not new me - Well, and I feel like the reason people fail is because they
17:08 make them based on the whole year Instead of I feel like I'm sure there's like studies that show this, but for me personally, like I have to look at things in like smaller increments because I think
17:19 things change. Yeah, you're in work changes and you're like changes like so I try and do mine like I so I set my goals. I just focus on like, Hey, the first three months of the year, this is
17:32 what I want to do. And then I come back and I reevaluate like, no, yeah, too much was this too less can I do something different. So I go about it that way. And then I also have some people
17:40 instead of doing a resolution, they have like a word for the year. And that's how they want to like encompass their life whether the word is gratitude. They just want to be more like gracious in
17:50 general or whatever it may be. So yeah, I don't really feel it. I don't understand what the difference now. Yeah, yeah, I'd have to look that up. That's a good way to like that. Because yeah,
17:60 like three months into the year, like for example, in 2022, graduated college, fashion school living in New York, I thought I was going to go I don't know work for Ralph Lauren ended up moving
18:11 back to Houston and now I'm and I'm a happy camper here. So you know, it's like, I don't know, my goals at the beginning of the 2022 and then how I knew 2022 - Right, I actually know all the line
18:20 - I read a book over the break called Traction - And it didn't say - Colin was telling me about it - Yeah, y'all should read it. It's a really, really quick, easy read. But it did say like humans
18:32 cannot focus more than 90 days at a time. So like that's why we set quarterly goals in our businesses because humans can only focus that long. And then after that 90 days, they start losing focus,
18:46 losing momentum, losing just like why they started those goals in the first place - Right - So they reconvene, you look at everything and then you set - I wanted the same thing with like weight loss.
18:57 Like saying in the next year, I wanna lose 10 pounds. Like that, like how are you gonna get there? It makes more sense to say, I want to lose a pound a week over the next. 10 weeks or whatever
19:13 it is. Like it's better. They always say that like it's not so much the end goal. It's the small little goals that get you right to the big one - Yep. I have a question. So what is everyone's
19:25 like, piggybacking off you like your word for the year - Mm hmm - Mine. Do you want to go first - Yeah, you have one - Obviously - Mine is to just be more present - So your word is present - To
19:40 like just be more present in the moment and think, why have two - You know what we should do - And to be more thankful - To be more thankful - We should either write them or print them and like put
19:48 them on our desk or like on our computers so that we can see them - That's a good idea - We know 'cause I'm like feeling down the slums. My life sucks but my life doesn't actually suck - Yeah - You
19:58 know just to be more thankful for like, but I do have 'cause it could be way worse - Yeah - Mm hmm. Let's go this way Oh God, I see this thing. So I don't know. of one word for it, but like,
20:13 level up - Level up. You know that fun guy Beyonce - Vouch for it -
20:41 Vouch for it - Vouch for it - Vouch for it - Vouch for it - Vouch for it - Vouch for it - Vouch for it - Vouch for it - Vouch for it - Vouch for it - Vouch for it - Vouch for it - Vouch for it - Vouch
20:42 for it - Vouch for it - Vouch for it - Vouch for it - Vouch for it - Vouch for it - Vouch for it - Vouch for it - Vouch for it - Vouch for it - Vouch for it - Vouch for it - Vouch for it - Vouch for
20:42 it - Vouch for it - Vouch for it - Vouch for it - Vouch for it - Vouch for it - Vouch for it - Vouch for it - Vouch for it - Vouch for it - Vouch for it - Vouch for it - Vouch for it with
20:45 habits
20:47 and the things that I want to change.
21:13 I think mine would be
21:17 real, I guess. Maybe. I'm always like, go with the flow, not really saying what I wanna do - Yeah - So it's like, that's a huge, really good one - That's a good one - It's like, missing one -
21:29 Yeah, it's like getting out of people pleaser mode - Yeah - Yeah, I struggle so much with that - That thing you posted, like really hit hard with me. I wanna look into that - Yeah, people pleaser
21:40 thing, yeah - It's a good one - Yeah - I think that, I know I struggle with that too. It's hard. I think a lot of women do and, I think it's - Oh, absolutely - More women than anything. And
21:51 then once you become a mom, you just become like, you have to be everything for everyone - Well, yes, so hard to say - Who are you without your kid - Not without, but you know, who is you
22:02 without - Yeah, I struggle with that, your work - So, so much when I was a young mom, one because I was very young and two because. I had three kids and this span of four years, five years. So
22:18 you kind of lose yourself. And that's why I have such a heart for moms and I'm like, don't lose yourself. Like this is in motherhood is the most important thing in your life, but don't lose
22:28 yourself in that because you're gonna come out of that fog and you're gonna be like, well, yeah, 'cause they're crap. Like what kind of like, I mean, she has seven kids and now we're all over
22:39 the age of almost 21 like, you know, I don't know for 30 years. She was raising babies, but now like we're all self-sufficient. You know? And so now it's like, who is Tina without? Yeah.
22:52 Jonathan, Justin. No, you're not gonna
22:55 be in the house. I'm trying to like, who is Tina? Who is Tina? Right, yeah. So she's - She looks like she's living in her life.
23:02 She's living in her life. Whatever Tina did, I feel like Tina did it right because I love how close your family is. She is a superwoman. Yeah, she is. We need to have Tina on Tina's a college.
23:12 She is an amazing human being - Yes, she is - I love her - We do too - Yeah, she's like, she's an honorary team member - Oh, 1000 - Tina and David - Yeah, yeah - Yeah, my dad is like, you know
23:24 what, he always tells me he's like, When's the next event? Like, I got a job out of here - I love him. I love him - He's my favorite too - About a fuse, you know, he thought he was like the
23:36 body guard, not the body guard, but like, he was - He was - You're not - He was - Yeah, and he's like telling people he's like, Where's your badge? We're in your badge. I'm like, That's okay.
23:44 I'm like, Don't worry about it. That's Toby Rice. You don't need to interrupt. Yeah, no, he was like going to like walk up to him. And you know, my dad, he doesn't know right - No, yeah -
23:52 Bobby Jane to do Toby Rice's, you know, and he's like going to walk up to him, and I'm like, Dad, don't you dare - Don't you dare - I do, no, that is. And he's like, No. He's like, Where's
24:03 his badge? No.
24:06 Anyways, I'm like, He's not wrong. Yeah, I told Colin, Colin was like, Yeah, I told him to put his badge on. Anyways, it was funny - I have a question. I wanna know what, I feel like we
24:15 kind of talked about this on our last buying the scenes, but it was a while ago. I wanna know what you guys are most excited about for this year at DW and like outside of DW.
24:29 I think for inside of DW, the
24:33 growth and changing the perception, I think we've been on that track for a while, but I think 20, 23 is going to be a big year for us And I'm excited about the new venue - Yeah - Denver - I'm just
24:50 watching - Denver's gonna be going to more, going to more like industry events outside of ours - Yeah - And like getting out as a team - As a team - We're well known - Yes - Like going out - I feel
25:02 like this will be like the first year of like our whole team together for this look. Like we were a very young team last year, like six months and we're like throwing a huge event. Guys, I've
25:12 almost been here for a whole year - You have, it's almost - I started January last year - Wait, what is the, what's the date? We need to - Her official like higher date was like March though,
25:21 right - No, I started like January 20th - Can we look at it
25:26 before - Yeah, February - We can look at it as March - It was like February now. It was really early - Yeah, whatever your first day was, we need to look it up so we can - My first, like when I
25:35 first - Wait, I remember coming into the office and when you came in - Yeah, and I'm like, Julie's mentor, I'm like, hello, I'm here, what do I do - I don't even remember your first day
25:46 actually - I mean, it was like when in power was very, like you guys had just started. It was actually wild coming in, like on the thought of in power and then actually in the beginning - It's
25:58 like an hour - Like with just, like that was absurd. I mean, not absurd, like an absurd in a good way, but that was, that wasn't for some - Like, whoa, whoa, this shit is lit - Yeah, and
26:10 it's like - The energy at Empower was just - It was so cool - And insane - Yeah - Yeah - It was energizing - It was very energizing - Yeah - What about outside of DWM - One of my most excited about
26:24 outside of DWM. Colin and I want to make our first investment into real estate - Fun. So I - The - The Scotland in castle castle in Scotland -
26:34 The Scotland - The most - Yeah, the New Orleans - That's awesome - Yeah. So just like more focusing on - Kind of diversity, diversifying - Yeah - Our revenue and I really want to focus on my
26:47 personal brand this year, create more content, whatever that looks like - Right - Figure it out and -
26:56 Yeah, I'm excited. I'm excited about work this year, so - Yeah, no, I get it - Chills.
27:03 In work, Denver, obviously - Going - Doing a lot more events. I'm excited I left to travel.
27:12 Oh, wait, let me back up. The merch - Yeah - Yeah - We're launching a merch store at DW - I can't wait - DW by Jules, don't you - That should honestly be an exclusive drop - Yeah,
27:28 DW by Jules - DW by Jules - And it'll be the shoes - The shoes - Wait, that actually would be really fun if - Yeah - Around the team had like, their own draw - One thing or two things that were just
27:37 them - Yeah - Yeah - Oh, that would look cool - Yeah, and like they design it - Mine's a dog bandana - I wanna do a dog bandana - People can give her their dogs - Yeah - I wanna do kids clothes - So,
27:47 you know, something like a - Yeah,
27:51 like a baby ones you can - Yeah - I feel like we have enough children - Yeah - Yeah - The family - Yeah -
27:59 Outside - Outside is, I think, my goal this year is to like travel. I'm always, always said, I wanna go to Europe. I wanna go to Europe - Yeah - There is nothing, you know. I'm not married, I
28:11 don't have kids, so I'm like - Do it - Travel the world - Now do you go in - Yes - So - Do you already have any like shows festivals that you're - You bought something, didn't you - Did I - Aren't
28:21 you going to something - The one you always go to -
28:25 Like a paid 10 - A 10 - We might go back to EDC in Vegas, it's up in the air - Was everyone called like, we are the people or something - Oh, we are your friends - We are the people - They canceled
28:36 it again. Or they like moved it back. Is that the one in Houston - Yeah, it was supposed to happen in November - Yes - It's happening in May, actually - Is it though - Yeah, I don't know. It's a
28:45 little skeptical. But anyone knows, let us know - Yeah, no, I'll be following around all the DJs when they come to Houston, so - Let it catch me at Serial Live or White Oak - Yeah, just do what,
28:56 do more of what makes Jules happy. That's - Yes - That's my thing - Yeah, I like happy Jules - Me too -
29:06 Most excited about in work. Well, definitely Denver, definitely the venue. I'm really excited to like who we hire next, really - Oh yeah, like going the team - Mm-hmm, yeah - That's a good one
29:23 - Yeah. Outside of work, I
29:29 think we're like really trying to like update our house - Ooh, that's a good one - To like do some home improvement stuff - And I feel like it's always like when you like, I'm a big believer that
29:40 when you like come into your home, like you want it to feel like I don't want to feel like stressed out or that I like don't like something. I don't think you have to like love everything in your
29:49 house but you spend so much time there - Right - That you should want it to be what you want - Right - Oh wait, I have another one.
29:58 So this year, are you moving out - Jules is gonna live by yourself -
30:04 Yay - I'm moving to the heights -
30:07 Yay, people are gonna be neighbors - Yeah - Exciting.
30:10 I'll be in my fake next month - Oh shit - Honestly, apartment prices are really low right now because I've been looking into two bedrooms to Lucas and I and they just keep going down. Like there's
30:21 some two bedrooms - I might be looking in your bedroom - There are some two bedrooms in my building - No, you should be many more. We can ride to work together. There's some two bedrooms in my
30:30 building that are only like 100 more than what I'm paying now for my one bedroom - Really - Which is insane. So I think they're just, I think there's - Shit, that'll be worth it - I had me a little
30:39 apartment in the house - I'll have two bedrooms so you can - I love this bedroom - She can have a little getaway - Yeah. I love that - That is what I'm most excited for - That's actually what I'm
30:52 about. I feel like that went right over my head - When I moved here was the first time I lived on my own 'cause when I was living in Atlanta, I was living with roommates like my friends from college.
31:02 And when I moved here, like it's so like, what's the word I'm looking for? Like gratifying. You just feel like you're like, I am like doing that shit. I'm on my own. And I think you really find
31:16 yourself just living on your own and being like, yeah, just a young professional just live in life. It's like the best time ever - Yeah, I'm excited. That's what I'm doing - I'm so happy for you.
31:27 I'm like, Jules, what are you doing - I know - When I hang out, I'm like, Hey, can I come play with Sunny - No, I'm just kidding - You can, any time. She loves friends. Your parents will be
31:35 empty nesters officially - I know my mom is like,
31:40 Pwe, please don't - But I'm like, Mom, we'll just go on the weekends. You know, I'm like, Yeah, if my dad has to work, you come stay and we'll just trolley around the heights - Yeah - You're
31:48 in the second room for your mom - Yeah - Yeah - No, yeah, we've already, we've already compromised on that - Love that - But yeah, sorry, sorry. I keep talking - No, that's a good one - You
31:58 have a lot of my time - Yeah - The opposite. Every time someone says something, I'm like, Oh wait, I have something else to ask. So that's my bad - I love it you.
32:10 In DW, I'm definitely most excited about using your word, like leveling up our events. I feel like, and this is not a bad thing by any means, but we talk about a lot. We don't wanna just be
32:21 known as like the beer and pizza people. Like our vibe will always be fun and energetic and very wild-catter, but that doesn't mean it can't be at the same time, like professional and high-end and
32:36 like that where people are getting their monies worth and things like that. So I'm excited to just like, you know, Jake had a good point where we were talking about the new venue and he's like,
32:45 it's just gonna like 10X the vibe 'cause it is - It's so nice - I think people are gonna walk in and be like, Damn, like they spent a lot of money, they put a lot of work into this, this just
32:55 looks. And it's still, it's gonna be like nothing they've ever seen before, it's still fun - It looks next level - Yeah, it is, it's leveling up and it looks next level. So I'm excited for that.
33:08 Outside of DW,
33:10 I guess it's twofold 'cause you guys know I travel a ton 'cause I have 800 weddings. I don't have as many weddings. This year, thank God, I have a couple - How do you have more friends that - I
33:20 know, I have two more that are getting married, but other than that, we, so instead of doing so many smaller trips that I kind of have to go on because it's a wedding of one of a friend or
33:31 something I'm in or something, I were taking a bigger trip.
33:37 in September.
33:40 Yeah - Very excited. So I'm excited to like, on one end, spend more time at home. After my travels around like Q1 after these weddings, I'm not really going anywhere, like all summer. So I'm
33:51 excited to like spend more time here. And then I just got like the big blowout trip at the end of September - Wait, where in Italy are you guys going - We're going for a while. So I think we're
33:59 gonna do Venice, Florence, and Rome, and then spend like a couple of nights in Tuscany - I was gonna say you have to - Yeah, 'cause Lucas has not been to Italy at all. So - Oh, you've been there
34:09 - Yeah, but it was, I mean, it's been, it'll have been 10 years, 'cause I went after I graduated college. So I went in 2013. So it's been a while - I'm sure it's a little different - But we're
34:19 going with my parents for 10 days. So I'm excited for that. So it'll be a good like, big trip instead of so many small ones that I feel like obligated to go to - Honestly, that's a flex. Like you
34:31 have so many friends - You have so many friends - I can count all my friends on one hand - Well, I mean, I just, I think I've done. and like lived so many places. Like I have so many chapters of
34:42 my life - Yeah, I'm sure - And in all of those, I've met like really wonderful people that I feel like I'm new friends with ever. So I have home friends, college friends, and Houston friends,
34:51 and there's, you know. Plus I feel like you're super outgoing and super friendly and everybody learns to be your friends - And grab
35:00 a key to you - Everyone's to be your best friend. Also though, I like, I'm just kidding. I can count all my friends on two hands 'cause I consider you guys my friends whether you wanna be my
35:06 friend or not - Or whether you wanna be my friend or not - We're friends - Yes. I mean, I think that there's also something to say about, I feel like you can be friendly with your coworkers and you
35:16 love hang up them during the day, but sometimes you don't wanna hang out with them after work or outside of work, but like, I love it when we have my night. And like when we meet randomly at the
35:26 bars in the house, I love that - And that was my favorite thing ever when we were at the pool and I'm like, oh shit, that's my coworker - I know, like what are you doing - And so fun. We should
35:37 have a pool date this summer. Yeah, we should - Can we have an game now - Can we just hang out more - Yeah - Honestly, like that's what we're getting - Bad bitches Club New Year's Evolution is to
35:46 hang out more - Yeah, that's what we're getting - And no excuses. No excuses, you know, like I'm sitting there like, Yeah, it's me -
35:52 No, no, no - But I'm looking, I'm missing this down, actually. If, if I'm on that down - If I'm on that door - If I can get out the door - Well, here's the thing. I feel like our problem is
36:02 that we try last minute - Last minute. And like babysitters and people already have plans So we have to do them - Yes - We have to plan it - If it's on the calendar, I'm in - Oh, I'm in - Hey,
36:15 what are you doing tomorrow - I'm just going to serve you - I'm going to go to the new calendar - Plan a karaoke night - Okay - To make up for that one that everyone was down for - Oh, yes - That
36:22 didn't happen - We have to be karaoke night - You know, we should plan it kind of like, before Empower when we're gonna need a little like, break, you know what I mean? Like when we get to get to
36:36 the new booster 'cause everyone's gonna be like.
36:39 Yeah - Yeah - Yeah. No - That's the idea - If we have it at the snoover, you won't, it will be - Oh yeah guys, big news. I feel like by the time this comes out, realistically, we'll probably
36:50 have announced it. But, oh yeah, 'cause we have, well based episode going out - Well
36:57 based - Mom - But - Well they - Mommy - After we
37:02 finished that - After we finished that episode, I'm like, it took everything inside of me to not be like - Hey, mommy - Oh my God - Oh okay. And last but not least - No, Eric, no shit - No shit,
37:14 wait, you didn't announce the new venue - Oh yeah, I mean, we all keep saying the new venue - And that's it - That's it - Last three - Um, well - Seven, one, three - Three - We'll just have to,
37:25 if something falls through and we don't sign it, we'll just cut it out - Okay - Yeah - We are hosting in power. And hopefully, if all goes well, fuse and beyond at 713 Music Hall. which is
37:37 attached to
37:40 the post in Downtown Houston. We are super excited and that's what kind of, we were talking about with 10 Xingar events and just leveling them up and doing them in a place that is just a little more
37:48 high tech and - Someone cute level up by Beyonce - Alexa, play level up, level up, level up, level up - No, that's Sierra - Oh, oh my gosh, so embarrassing. Please stretch that. Don't comfort
38:00 me, please - You're getting into painters - Yeah, I am -
38:05 Do we have anything else to talk about - Can we talk about Office X? Why am I the only one that - Please tell me the answer - My behinds the ear review - Okay, last segment of the show - On the show
38:14 - Office X - What was mine? Oh, oh, this is a major Office. Mine is just that nobody ever wants to leave the four walls that we work in. Everyone's like, I can't. And I'm like, but you can
38:28 though, even if it's just for 20 minutes, they're like, no, I can't.
38:35 Like guilty - That's guilty.
38:39 Mine is still the bathroom situation - That there's only, there's only like, well, there's two, but the closest one, I feel like there's always someone in it - Yes, there is - And then I'm like,
38:49 and the,
38:52 the towel thing, it only like, it's so hard - It's so hard, it doesn't work - Wait, and the toilet paper, if it's not - Oh my gosh, it's a dressy look - You can't, you get one sheen - Yes,
39:03 this is gonna be cool - And it's like, it's a - Wait, and it's a one ply - Yeah - And you're just like, can we please add that to the like, good like, Charmin toilet paper to the - Yes, we need
39:14 - It's, yeah - Happy bottoms - We do, isn't that like their tagline kind of thing - It's something similar to that sandpaper - Right - Yeah, it fills me - Yeah - I'm trying to think of mine,
39:26 what's yours -
39:29 Mine is John's keyboard - Yeah - Sorry, John - No it is - That does a good one - I sometimes have to put headphones in 'cause I'm like, I'm about to strangle. Not John, like you were - Why is it
39:39 so loud - It's like a game or a keyboard - It's like a developer keyboard - Oh, okay - It's like a gamer - It's not like a game or a play's role - Insert him a gift and it's a new keyboard - He's
39:52 probably gonna hate it - He might be like this - Wait, we should get him a new keyboard and get it like wrapped, I don't know what it's called, whenever. And have it say Rad Dad - Oh,
40:05 hi, how you
40:08 gonna do it - I'm gonna have some lights with them and it will be quiet - We should. Good idea. Yeah. All right, yeah - What's yours - I don't, I mean, I know that I have them, but I feel like
40:13 I can't think of anything - I got one - You have one. You can think of this - I know, I literally feel like I honestly, I know I have them, but I can't think. Think about it - Actually, this
40:23 isn't necessarily, it doesn't have to be our office, but my office ick is that it's a community kitchen and I feel very awkward when I'm like microwaving my lunch everyone else from like one of
40:34 their companies is sitting at the table and they're just like shooting the shit and I'm like, right - And if you don't bring your phone to, and then it was kinda like, right - My go to move as I
40:42 like look at my nails, I'm like, yeah - I eavesdrop - I don't know what to do - One time I was eavesdropping and they were talking about jiu-jitsu and you, I definitely - Did you, did you, did
40:51 you - Did you, did you, did you - Yes, I inserted myself into the conversation, turned to how they were just talking about their kids doing jiu-jitsu, I don't think they did it - I was
40:60 unfortunate, 'cause they didn't know anything about it and I'm like, okay, bye - Julie's in there too, actually wrong - Wrong, wrong, wrong - You're a white belt.
41:09 Wait, can
41:11 we, like vlog an episode of y'all coming to jiu-jitsu - I mean, that'd be funny - Sure - Jules is the same - Jules is the same - Oh yeah - I mean, it's - Boss is down for anything - Boss is down
41:22 for anything - But you came to ride with it - Yeah - But like, we still need to do group berries when you're healed - Yeah - When I'm, I'm so close - Yeah you just have the promise that you won't
41:31 make fun. Right - Why would I make fun of you? Well, just because I'm not a coordinated person, as we've seen - I am - I am literally the most uncoordinated person on the face of this Earth - Oh,
41:46 you know what we should do? Okay, there's a lot of things we need to do in 20 years - I know exactly what you're gonna say. Group activities and draw them out of a hat - Yes. No, I wasn't gonna
41:52 say that - Oh - It's like Christmas, I was like, Well, I guys, she was gonna say, I like, draw the two - Oh, no, no, no - She's like, so every person had, Julie's like, Can everyone come
42:01 to Jujitsu? And I'm like, Me - Can everyone come to the club and we dance together - Yeah - Can we just have a dance party? It doesn't have to be at the club. It can be at my parents' house and
42:10 they're living in, you know what I mean? You know? So, and then whatever hobbies - That's for me, next in the kitchen - Some Salina, whatever you're interested in, you know. So somebody picks
42:19 an activity. No, whatever that is - Whatever that is - No, I didn't figure that
42:24 out honestly - I've figured that out honestly - But you know what I'm saying - Yes - We should have a great idea I think an idea. I don't know, like what do you do for fun?
42:38 I'll have to get back to you - This is like, I'll get back to you
42:45 and I'll get back to you - Do you play any like card games or anything? Do you all like card games - I love card games - I'm like, joy is a game for the - No, we can have games tonight - Yes, I
42:54 love games - I love them. I love them too - Good, I'm going to go - Domino, you're doing this - I love Domino's - You can make a list of all these activities - And draw them out of a hat - Oh,
43:04 yeah - Yeah - So,
43:07 we're gonna talk about that - At Sir LaTob and City Center, they do cooking class - It's so fun - Yeah, you've done it - I do the one in the world - It's so fun - I told Julie to do it - I don't do
43:15 it - You can do it at lunch time. We should go on a Friday - That would be so fun - The whole team should do it - That's a
43:26 team at the event - Oh, maybe - Next Friday - Let's see - Except, you know, everyone is, not everyone, some people are picky, Well, yeah, that's true - Because they do like - Who are you - Who
43:32 are you - Not Julie. Everyone likes best stuff - Yeah, they do it - They do Italian all the time - Yeah, they do it - That's a like, common theme - But on Friday for lunch, that would be so fun -
43:43 That would be really fun - We should just set up a camera - So you like, cook it and then eat it - Yes, and eat it - And they like, they have everything for you and you're kind of in little, it's
43:50 one kitchen, but you're in little pairs or two or three people and you make, they teach you how to make it and you make it - And if it's like Boston that you, they have like wine or you can bring
43:60 your own - Yeah, you can bring your own - That would be really fun - That's a good vlog - Yeah, we should just set up the camera at the end of the, make sure the place doesn't like go up and things
44:11 or anything - Yeah, that'd be fun - I don't know if you guys are like cookers - Cookers - Cookers - Cookers, cookers - And the whole place down - Cookers - That would be really fun. See, now we're
44:21 at the Whales of Turning - We're gonna do a lot of productivity - Another thing in City Center, they have a scape room there.
44:28 I've never done it, but I feel like with this group of people, everyone is so strong and bold in their personalities, so I just all feel like by the end - They would not go, Oh, I said I can hate
44:38 each other - Exactly - I hate it - That's what I'm getting at - Like Julie and Colin - Wait, what would you hate about me - No, I don't hate, no, I'm not saying I would hate you. I'm saying like
44:48 - Collectively - Everyone would just - Because me and Colin would argue and we'd like crap out of it - No, no, no, no - Well, and John, our resident engineer would be like, guys, think,
44:58 process, then go get it - Yeah, shut the fuck up, this is the right way. And then we'll be there right, and then we'll just be like, beer chaos - And then I feel like Misty would pop in and be
45:08 like, I found this key. And we'd be like, oh - Yeah, no be fun - I feel like I have to be out with you - I've been out for like 20 minutes - Wait, that could help me - No, yeah - And Julie and
45:19 Escape are as a team could either make or break us, honestly. That's like the ultimate test - We have to do it on Friday, so if it goes bad, get the weekend to like. recover from press. Yeah.
45:29 So we're not in the next day, like still holding your breath. Yeah.
45:34 Honestly, I think I would just give up and sit in the middle of the room until somebody figured out. Yeah. That's probably why I wouldn't, I wouldn't surprise other games because I would be
45:45 frustrated. I'd be the first one dead.
45:51 I'm like, who would be the first one dead? He's like, honestly, probably you. Sorry. Well, I see it. I've never Googled this, but I feel like there's probably ways you can Google like the
46:00 most effective way to escape game. Like not, not like cheat things. Have you guys done it before? I've done it before. I've done it. I've done it. I've done it. I've done it in some way. I've
46:07 done it once.
46:09 You know, the most effective people know I know. What if I get stuck in there? Yeah, look for things for 10 minutes and then depending on what you find, try and figure it out. Or like, is there
46:19 one person in charge? You split up in two teams and kind of go that way and then come back and like say what each one found and try to it together. I don't know what the best process is. I'm sure
46:32 there's something that works well for people, but that would be fun though. We'll add it to the list. Right after this, we have to make the list that we forgot. I'm about to go back in there and
46:42 just start adding events to people's calendars. Create a notion page on the GW home group. Next week, we're doing cooking class.
46:51 One, Misty's in charge of calling and juice calendars. Clear their calendars. New next Friday, we're going to cooking class. Just put it on there and we'll be like, we approve that. Yeah.
46:59 Bring my apron. Bring your apron. Bring your apron. Bring your apron. My grandma. My grandma. I just say that. My grandma has a,
47:10 has a,
47:12 has an apron. Oh, we actually call her momal. My momal has an apron that says don't. It's getting better. Don't fuck with the cook. It says don't fuck with the cooks. I'm going to bring that.
47:20 You should. Anyways, that's it Great. Anything else? before we wrap up - I don't think so. I'm just thinking about how this started - I love these episodes - Can we - Oh, what? Who are you
47:32 talking about? So, we're just gonna say, can we upload it so we can go to the right way - Okay, do we wanna end with announcements - Yes -
47:44 Buy your - I love your account - I love your account -
47:48 Energy Tech Night, Houston February 9th. Buy your tickets if you want a sponsor, if you want to present, let us know And then Empower is coming up quick, our Bitcoin mining conference, March 8th
48:00 and 9th at 713, hopefully - Wine Night - Wine Night - Wine Night February, sir - That drift - There's so much going on - There it is - And then pretty close after Empower, we are taking
48:13 entertainment on the road, Denver, April 5th - Awesome, I'm excited - And Energy 101 newsletter - Oh, yes - Yeah - Yes Please subscribe. It's a good one - It's really good - It is - And if you
48:27 want to sponsor our podcast or the newsletter, let us know - Yeah - We'll take your money. We would love your money - We'll take your money - Send it over - All right - All right - Uh oh, this is
48:37 where we do it - Cheers - Bye.