Bullish on Bitcoin on Energy 101

This week Justin Ballard, (the Bitcoin Lawyer) gives us a 101 in all things bitcoin.

0:00 Welcome back to another episode of Energy 101. I think today is an extra special episode because as all of our lovely viewers and listeners know, Empower's coming up are energizing Bitcoin

0:13 Conference. So today we are learning about Bitcoin and Bitcoin mining. We better call somebody who knows what they're talking about. I know. This is our friend Justin Ballard from Martin Legal

0:25 Group. He is a fellow Bitcoin bro, great friend of Digital All Cadders And we've just coined the term the Bitcoin lawyer. So stay tuned for that new Twitter handle. Well, thank you for having me.

0:37 I appreciate it. Thanks for being here. And yeah, we're not competition, right? We're on the same team here. So yeah, we are vying for as we discussed, we want to break over the same viewer

0:49 threshold. Wait, I feel like we should say you're also a co-host of our newest podcast We're just going

0:59 to say that we're going to say that we're going to say that we're going

1:04 So that's great. I'm enjoyed it quite a bit. Good. Love it. We are going to kick off the episode with a fun game. Another one. Another one. Here we go again. If you saw our last episode, you

1:10 know what's about to happen. So we all have four cups. One of them has a shot of whiskey. We don't know who has it. And so we're all just going to down the shot. The point of the game is to not

1:21 make a face. Is this like a setup? But just letting everyone know. I think there's a setup. It's not a setup. I'm going to get those here. You can't prove that All right. I can't prove that.

1:31 You're right. It looks like a thing now. Jules for this. This is a thing. OK. Every episode, every guest that comes on, this is what we're doing. I hope our episodes or our viewers or

1:41 listeners are different because I'm going to steal this from you. You can. You should. All right. Good. All right. Are we going one by one? Are we just cheers it? Cheers. All right. Let's

1:53 just choose it because they can we'll clip it. Yeah. One by one. All right. Cheers. Cheers. All right.

2:03 Is it set up -

2:07 Wait, do you need coke - No, I'm good - Is it my chaser thing - I know I'm a moso by Alani - We did come prepared with a soda. That's what I had when I spit out the tequila and I can't drink that

2:19 anymore. It tastes like tequila - Really -

2:23 Well, hopefully it doesn't ruin it for me. 'Cause Alani's delicious. I don't know if they want to sponsor anybody - Alani, sponsor our podcast - I know. I'm a big fan girl of Alani - They are

2:34 delicious. Have you had the - I call the people. Have you just had a baby - Oh really? I didn't know, you can know way more better than I did - I know - Have you had the cherry slush one - It

2:45 tastes like medicine - It tastes like the icy to me - No - Wait, did y'all, have y'all tried the new peach one - Uh-huh - Oh, this is good - It tastes exactly like a peach-o - Oh, wow, okay - The

2:56 blueberry one is the best flavor - Really - Yeah, I'm good I love the chair.

3:03 I'm not a cherry person - I'm not a cherry person - I don't like any of the slushy flavors. They're too sweet - They're too sweet, yeah - I drink, I'm not gonna have to drink like three or four of

3:11 those in one day before I was pretty bad - Same, last Friday, did you have a heart attack - No, not that time. But if I keep it up, that probably - Maybe - Not with Elani though -

3:22 They're heart attack for - Last Friday, I had like three and I was acting like a full on crackhead - Yeah - So you kinda were - I think I scared everyone in the office. They were like, it's time

3:33 for you to go home. So - They ended with us putting weekly dance party on the official DW calendar - Nice - And today, you're gonna be here for a - You will be part of the world - Happy birthday to

3:44 you - You can do more of those cartwheels - I am super old and cannot dance or do cartwheels - You can - You barely can take shots -

3:53 We should probably start talking about Bitcoin too - Yeah - Let's dive into it - I am, we're gonna like stitch him together with Empower, like all of our Elani's, we're gonna get - Oh yeah, for

4:02 sure - Yeah, absolutely - Between Elani and Uchi, I talk about Uchi as a restaurant constantly. Like they need a sponsor, a show - You talked about it last time - Yes, I love Uchi. I have tried

4:12 to get you guys - Oh yeah - I love Uchi. I am always down - It's the bomb - I'm a cusae all day - Actually, I'm reaching out to them about sponsorship - Isn't it, Sushi - I feel left out because

4:22 everyone talks about how amazing it is and I've never been there - It's incredible - Justin will take you - Yeah, we'll go to Uchi. I will take all of you - You guys hear that - Yeah, I'll take all

4:31 of you - You guys want to get part of your first - I'll go to Uchi, yes -

4:35 Especially if Uchi wants a sponsor - That is on the record. That is on the record. There is no Uchi - It is - The official sushi partner of the channel - Yes, I like it - Julie's like, I don't

4:44 know - Sushi - Can we get a chicken - I was gonna respond - There's like nine people in our office - Okay -

4:51 I need sushi. Julie has the food palette of a child. I only eat chicken and beef - Chicken tinners and grape soda, right - Yeah - No more - You're gonna have deep fish. Okay, yeah, I could do

5:02 that. I've actually never tried sushi, so I should probably like - The wagyu hot rock - Yeah - Is that a real - Mm, it's spicy - No, it's just perfect - No, but it's like the hot rock and you

5:12 like, roll it, hot rock. You click your meat on it. Yeah, they have like, sorry, that's not

5:21 the jule - Jule's got the taste palette of a 12 year old. You have the jokes of the 12 year old - I'm joking, I'm sorry, I'm sorry - You got to catch that, we gotta cut that in - Justin and I are

5:32 obviously the most much jule here - I mean,

5:37 I got a good one - I couldn't help myself, honestly, 'cause you were confused. I mean, you put the meat on the rock. Okay, that's enough - Well, stay tuned for this special follow up episode,

5:46 live on location at Uchi - Yes - Let me try sushi for the first time. Maybe - We have to - Yeah, yeah - This is what the viewers want - The people want it - The people are asking for it - Okay,

5:57 they want sushi ASMR Oh, okay. and I feel old.

6:04 I don't know what anything more is. I've heard of it, but I don't really know - I don't know what it stands for, but it's just like this - It's like weird noises in the - Yeah - Oh, yeah - My dad

6:11 is like - We're gonna lose all our viewers right there - I know - I don't like that - My dad and mom are in town from Minnesota and they're saving with us for like three months. I love them to death

6:23 - That's a long time - Like they're awesome. But my dad eating yogurt is one of the grossest things I've seen in one of his ever witnessed in their life. I promise you, it's disgusting. I love

6:36 your dad - Right - I love you, but man, not when you eat yogurt. So sorry, let's get into Bitcoin - Let's get into Bitcoin. So I think first things first, we had already told you like

6:48 kindergartener level. If you were explaining to a kindergartner a level below that for the people - Like your kids, like your kids - Right, right So let's start off with the most important question.

7:01 Oh, all right. And that's actually really scary for me, right? I would describe it as Bitcoin is literally like a, it's a peer-to-peer payment system, right? So like, think of it as when you

7:15 go, I won't get my haircut today. It looks super fresh and clean, right? Supposed to be for 40 - Yeah, great - Oh my God - You

7:23 got a nice made up or what - Got the low skin fade from Vinny's barber shop. Vinny's barber shop is incredible. They're up in the woodlands area I guess my sponsor should be great. But so like I go

7:34 there and get my haircut. If I wanted to pay them with my credit card, I'm going to end up getting a fee from Visa or whoever, maybe say 5, right? And it actually was 5 on my charts today. If

7:48 I'm paying with Bitcoin, I'm basically removing that middleman and I can go peer-to-peer. So a person-to-person, business-to-business, whatever. So it's basically a way to cut out these middlemen,

7:60 which obviously saves money but also allows it to be more of a a one-on-one transaction where I don't have anyone or anything interfering with that with my ability to buy whatever I want. So in

8:12 essence, like that is the simplest form of what I would describe Bitcoin as is like a peer-to-peer payment system. Is there a way to separate it from like the fiat system? Like is there a way to

8:24 like value a Bitcoin if you're not looking at you know, how you as see? Yeah, so Bitcoin is always gonna be denominated in the currency where you're like located at, right? So like we look at

8:37 we're in dollars but if we were in Russia, it would be what rubles or whatever there is is or the yuan in China. So that's how it'll be denominated in your wherever your location is at, wherever

8:48 you're at. That's how they denominated Which is kind of nice because it allows it to really be really universal across the board. So Bitcoin has its value and it's determined based on, you know,

9:01 what your currency is or your at. Um, but I can pay, you know, the equivalent in USD to whatever, you know, whatever currency you on in China, I can pay it in USD to you in there, but it's

9:14 Bitcoin. And so it's the same amount, either way. So really, whatever your ad is, what it's going to be denominated in. But yeah, it's, it's, it's tied to the fiat system and not, but from a

9:26 pricing standpoint only. Does that make sense? Yeah. Okay. My kids who are older than kindergarten would not understand that, but so. I know like this math is not going to be right, but for the

9:38 sake of the conversation, if one Bitcoin is worth 20, 000 and you're going to pay in Bitcoin, but your haircut is 10 bucks. Right. That seems very cheap. I don't know how much men's haircuts are

9:51 and you pay in Bitcoin It's whatever one. Right, okay, so - A hundred millionth of a Bitcoin - Right, so Bitcoin is made up of satoshis, all right? So satoshis is like the net domination of, I

10:04 think it's a hundred million satoshis make up one Bitcoin, right - Oh, like cents to dollars - Right, right, and so that's what's in a Bitcoin. I can't remember what the number is, I'd go look

10:13 it up - Doesn't matter, but - Yeah, whatever it is, right - The concept is there - So satoshis make up like cents in a dollar, right? So theoretically, in my mind, over time, what will happen

10:23 is when things start to convert more and more to Bitcoin because it become more of an accepted and adopted currency, then you'll be pricing things in satoshis and that's how you'll pay people. So,

10:34 hey, my haircut might be 10 satoshis. And so I go - Gotcha - There and I can take my strike account and I can send it over to the guys cutting my hair - Isn't satoshi the guy that - Invented, right,

10:46 right. Which could be a guy, a group, whatever - Oh, we don't really know - We don't know - We don't know - Right, right, right So it's a big mystery. Well, so how do you use - It's like

10:54 gossip girl. Yeah - That's what I always compare it to.

10:59 Gossip girl - That's perfect - How do you like sense someone in Bitcoin, do you have to have a ledger - You don't have to have a ledger is more for taking it off off the exchanges or like holding it

11:11 yourself - Is that like a bank account - It's like a bank, right? It's like I'm storing my Bitcoin

11:20 off of the exchange. You don't want to have it on exchange I'm gonna get into that too with you guys, but you don't want to leave it on an exchange. You got to take it off. Otherwise you don't

11:27 actually have a Bitcoin and that's what happened with FTX and I'll go in with that. But yeah, we'll get to that - Interesting - But basically a ledger is your wallet. So you hear people talk about

11:37 a wallet, like get your Bitcoin off - Yeah, it's an actual thing - It's like a device, a little device - So I use - It's like a USB thing. You wouldn't think of it that way - Right, right, right.

11:47 And I use a treasure. So it's a little - You know, black piece of plastic and it's got, you know, a touch screen on it. And you have like a seed code or seed phrase, which is basically these

11:59 magic words that get you into your account. And so it's, that's what makes it really safe, right? Hi, Ted. Right. You can use this little word.

12:09 Don't lose them. Right. Don't lose them. Don't lose them. You can get like a steel card and literally put your seed phrase in it and then put that away some more safe. So you don't lose it But

12:21 that's how you store it, right? But to pay peer to peer strikes the easiest one and it's a great platform. And you know, I can literally, I can go scan either a QR code from the vendor or whoever

12:35 wants to accept the Bitcoin and send them directly exactly how much. It's like the equivalent

12:39 to cash up, right? Right. Right. It's like a cash app for the lightning nowhere. Okay. Yeah. So it's a great, you know, useful. platform or tool, whatever you want to call it. I've used it

12:53 in El Salvador and it's great. I love it. They have the Cheval Wallet, but you can use strike down there too. So that's when I go down there - So like when you go into any place in El Salvador,

13:03 they always accept Bitcoin - Any place that does it, most of places are accepting it. They're still, I mean, and I talked about this on one of our episodes. We had Marto Toches on one of our

13:13 episodes. It's a, it takes time And like they've gotten a lot of grief for like, things not being perfect yet with the system. You're implementing the first country in the world to implement

13:25 something like this - Right - It's very difficult - That's huge - Right? It's a big move - Yeah - And, and so it takes time and there's gonna be hiccups, but yes, I've only done there. I have,

13:36 the second time I went down there, I only used strike. That's all used. And I was fine the whole time. So it's progressing and yeah, I love it at place. you guys should go and do a live podcast

13:48 right there - I wanna do a little documentary - Yeah, that'd be awesome - Yeah - I'd like to do one like a Bitcoin law year review 'cause they're about a year over a year past and now the

13:59 implementation of it - Right - And I would like to go down there and do like a documentary on like how it has impacted the country and you know, what kind of growth they think they're gonna see going

14:11 forward. 'Cause when you think about it, sorry this might not be one-on-one technically, but when you look at it from the standpoint of what is it providing for the people down there?

14:24 When the biggest, I guess part of their GDP, one of the biggest parts of their GDP, if not the largest is remittances. So people coming, leaving El Salvador, but sending money back to the

14:35 country from the US or wherever they're at. US and Australia have kind of the two biggest populations of El Salvadorans outside of El Salvador. Well, they send money, they work there. They send

14:46 money from there to El Salvador. That's like a huge part of their GDP.

14:51 When you were using like Western Union or any of those type of services, they're taking a huge amount of fees - Feed out of fees, right - Yeah - And so having Bitcoin as an option to send it via

15:03 strike or some other, you know, the chevel or whatever, you're saving so much money for the people. Like that's coming out of their money And that's why I get so frustrated when people talk about

15:16 like the energy consumption, because there's like so many things in our world that use a lot more energy that are a lot more - That don't provide as much value - Exactly. They don't provide that

15:26 kind of value for people that need that value, you know what I mean? And I do feel the tide turning right now, I was talking to Colin in there about just kind of the view of like energy consumption

15:39 and like EV, you know, electric vehicles and all that. people starting to actually, I've heard more and more people talking about the environmental impacts of lithium mining and all the different

15:50 type of activities that go on into green technologies.

15:56 People are starting to realize like, hey, there is, that's not all perfect, right? There, there's some real human humanity and human rights issues with the mining activities and kind of what

16:09 goes on on development of like electronic vehicles and in solar panels. Our phones, like, cobalt is everything and it's they're literally slaves. Yeah, there are. I've seen some of those videos.

16:23 Yeah, it's so sad. There if y'all haven't listened to the Joe Rogan episode with Dino's name, I don't I literally listened to there are they and I can't remember. I don't know either, but he did

16:35 one on he went into what country? It was enough.

16:45 in country - African country - Congo, Congo, yeah - Yeah, and he went in there and he got to see firsthand how people mine for cobalt and it is insane. Yeah, there's women out there with like

16:55 babies on their back breathing in all of that. And that's so we can have this. So we can have the TV - And we get new ones every year, every other year we get new phones. You know what I mean -

17:05 Yeah, like why is no one talking about that - Yeah, like go out, like, why are we going after oil and gas companies and not like, Apple - Right, right. But see that I do feel the tide turn a

17:17 little bit. I feel people like that upset - Yeah - I love Joe Rogan. Like I think he, I'm gonna get on a tanger real quick - Tell us Justin - I feel like this is actually my second shot. So like

17:30 it don't take much in mind.

17:33 I honestly think comedians are like the last bastions of truth tellers They're like a modern day profit.

17:42 You know what I mean - They say what everyone else is too scared to say - Yes, they do. And it's like, and that's actually what court gestures were originally. They were intended to be able to

17:51 tell the king or the ruler kind of the truth, right? And the perspective of the people - Meek it like funny - Right, and do it in a funny way and they laugh. And but it was like, I'm conveying a

18:02 message from the people to you. And so that's, I think Joe Rogan and like Dave Chappelle and all these guys are, they're so important to like our societies develop. And they're the ones that can

18:16 get away with like saying the things that none of us could ever say. And I just, it's remarkable to me. It's like they are getting, Joe Rogan's getting out messages like he's getting out. So,

18:27 but anyway, yeah, back to the Bitcoin

18:32 talk. Where was I asked? You guys bring me back - I have a conversation So how easy or like accessible is Bitcoin? how easy is it to go buy Bitcoin - Great question. And actually that would lead

18:46 into the FTX stuff also. It's not as easy as people think. And I do believe a part of the next bull run is gonna be this issue is that FTX,

19:00 basically what they're doing is they're selling opportunity like crypto, okay? They also sell Bitcoin. I don't put them in the same classification and I'll explain that more - What is now - I'll

19:10 tell you in a sec, but they're telling you like buy these coins from me, right? Keep them on the exchange. We'll have your money. We'll send you, you know, we're gonna show you in your account

19:20 that you have X number of Bitcoin. And then they're using the funds that you just sent them to go leverage themself against something else, right? Then what happened was they are not backed up by

19:33 the, like a bank is from the FTX - They say banks do the same thing - Banks do the exact same thing. They do but they're not - Banks? I don't want to sound like a crazy person, but they, like,

19:44 if you really look at it, they operate almost like a Ponzi scheme to me.

19:50 Leveraging money. Right. That's not yours. Right. And so, but in they prevent like a run on them by saying, well, we're not, you're not allowed to take out more than X number of dollars today.

20:00 Or it's going to take certain amount of days to get your money over there. Right. And so these exchanges don't get that luxury So like FTX is out there like selling Bitcoin and they put you, send

20:15 you an account and they show you all you got all this Bitcoin account. They're supposed to have that amount of Bitcoin that they're holding. Right. Obviously FTX was not. In fact, I think they

20:26 only had 11 Bitcoin total. Total on their reserves. And so that's what I keep telling people and they're like, oh, I didn't know that. That's so is it like people were trying to. their money out.

20:39 It didn't exist. It didn't exist. Oh damn. Yes. And so that's where I'm like, Bitcoin's not the problem on this. FTX actually shows you Bitcoin is Bitcoin's good. Like, they

20:53 lied about how much Bitcoin they had. And so that was the problem. They actually did not have what they said they had. They were backing it all with all this Bitcoin. The reality is they had

21:03 virtually none. And so what the difference on those is that Bitcoin is actually truly decentralized. There's not a CEO, there's not an owner, there's not a group that gets to dictate rules or

21:19 what's going to happen. So no room for a human corruption. Right. There's no room for corruption. And so that's what sets it apart from the rest of these other ones is that it's a lot harder to

21:30 buy. It's a fixed supply. There's 21 million that will ever be in existence. And so how did those get me? I was just going to ask that. Right. also the happening we should. Yeah, we will

21:39 definitely touch on having. So, but so when they create when Satoshi created Bitcoin, whether it be a guy or a group or however it is, basically he establishes 21 Bitcoin 21 million Bitcoin ever

21:51 that will exist. A certain amount of those are released every day. And that's where the miners come into play. Right. So miners are on the network. We got S9 here. It's running and it's got

22:01 terra hash, which terra hash is the measurement of the processing power of the computer I think this is probably doing like 11 13 and a half terra hash today. Right. That's, or that's how many

22:12 terra hash this machine would do. The newer machines are doing significantly more 10 times that so or more. But so that's how you measure processing power of this and you're paid a certain amount of

22:24 Bitcoin per terra hash that's contributed to the network. Well, every day there's a fixed supply of Bitcoin that is mined Right. So I came around the number start out. I think it's 50 or something.

22:37 A mind-meaning like released - Right, right. And they're released per block. Okay, so a block, you've heard blockchain, right? Okay, per block, block is made up of thousands of transactions a

22:49 day, right? So per block that is solved by one of these miners, if that miner solves it, today you get 625 Bitcoin. If this machine solved it, you'd get 625 Bitcoin. People don't wanna take the

23:04 risk though of this one machine, 'cause think of how many machines there are in the world, mining Bitcoin, millions. The chances of this machine winning that Bitcoin is like - Very slim - It might

23:15 be less than winning a lottery - This sounds like a puzzle game - Right. It's an algorithm, right? And it's trying to guess this number. The first one that guesses it gets the Bitcoin, the rest

23:27 of them validate that. And if they validate it, then it's like, all right, this block is done, it's gonna go onto the blockchain going to go on to the ledger. public ledger that Bitcoin is boom.

23:38 It connects it, they all validate it. This machine would get 625 Bitcoin because you don't want to try to run the risk of,

23:48 I'm running this machine, I'm paying for the power every day. If I don't win, I'm just losing money - Amazing, yeah, yeah - So I go and I join a mining pool. And a mining pool is basically like

23:59 a group of, if you were in a gold field, right? You were in a gold mine, right? I can only mine like one acre a day, we'll say - Yeah - Well, the chances of me hitting some gold mine are very

24:13 low, right? But if I got like, all right, I was pouring here. All right guys, tell you what, what if we, if one of us hit something, we'll split it up equally - Like on holes, except the

24:25 little boys don't give me things - Right, right - Yeah, don't say. So, yeah, that's exactly what it is My daughter loves it, movie by the way.

24:35 So yeah, so you go and we are all going to share in the profit. And it's like, all right, well, you did two acres today. You did one acre. You did five. I did half a chain.

24:45 So you're going to get the biggest pull if we hit, right? You get more because you mined more. Same way with the Bitcoin mining pool is that I contribute a hundred terra hash. You contribute 10,

24:55 10, 10, 10. Well, I get a bigger chunk of that. So like I get of the Bitcoin that that pool is paying out. They're taking the risk that like one of us is going to hit And so they're going to pay

25:07 us a certain amount for just contributing our terra hash, our processing power to them. And so if one of these hit, they get the 625 Bitcoin, but they distributed out to us based upon what we

25:19 contributed through our machines. Is there a reason for you ever just to single like, does anyone just ever not join a pool? Yes. And in fact, last year, there was like two or three blocks in a

25:32 row where it was like people not in a pool. Yeah - And I don't know, I would love to find out what kind of machine it was. I can't remember, I don't know if they - It wasn't even a - Like it was a

25:42 Nest 9 or something - Yeah - So it didn't hit and it didn't hit and it didn't hit - But it's almost like high risk, high reward - Oh yeah, right - So they got all of it - Yeah, so they got those

25:49 people got 625 Bitcoin for hitting that block, so - Like six Bitcoin, six Bitcoin - Excuse me, 625, all that freaking whiskey - So you plug - It wasn't a Holani's fault though - You plug the

26:03 machine in and it connects to the network - The Bitcoin network - The Bitcoin network and it just runs. Do you - 247 - 'Cause I'm not just a do you think are so many questions with that. Because we

26:13 went to go set up this miner.

26:17 We have that big box of upstream data - The black box of stream data - Of stream data - It's in my next yard - A little boy Steve Barber. It's a wonderful product - So it's in my backyard and by the

26:28 way, my landlord the other day, 'cause we rent our house. She was like, Hey, I noticed a new little structure in the backyard. And I'm like, Don't mind

26:39 us - You guys get pickleball courts, I'm freaking black boxes in the backyard. These are my clinics over here - Yeah, I'm like, geez, troublemakers - Anyway, we were going to set it up and I'm

26:50 like, but like how, so I think we joined maybe brains. And I'm like, okay, I get the interface, I get that. How does that machine then connect? And maybe it's, you find it through some kind

27:04 of like, I don't know - Brains is probably the software you're using on it - Yeah - Do you have to have a software - Right, a lot of them will come with like a four point - They have a slash pool -

27:15 Yeah, a slash pool is, yeah, that's why brains have a slash pool. So, slash pool is what you guys are using. Okay, yeah - I think - Sorry, Luxor - It must be - Or whoever else - Luxor's great,

27:24 Foundry's great. The friends with both of them, I love them. All good dudes, all good dudes Ethan, Jeff, Cam, all these good guys, all of them. Sponsor a podcast - Yes, sponsor a podcast.

27:34 But yes, so you guys were part of the Slush Bowl. The Slush Bowl was, I believe the largest bowl for a while, foundry's not a largest bowl. All Lux was continuing to grow, but yeah, you will,

27:47 you join a pool. I mean, if you're wanting to actually make it a business, you got to join a pool - How do you connect your miners - Oh, literally, like you plug these in, they come already

28:01 pre-set up with like some firmware, hardware, software - Right, okay - And you can add to it and you can change it. We used a lot of, we used some Avalon machines and some Bitmap machines. We

28:14 actually did not, when I was at J, we did not have any What's Miners, but we went in and we utilized brains as well. We also used some stock software for more for a while, but yeah, I mean,

28:28 it's. Really pretty simple. They just come free. Yeah, they come pre-wire for it. And if you win, you get alerted and you're like, hey, you win. Yeah, that's what I'm like, how do Bitcoin

28:31 companies stay afloat if they're not selling miners or developing software? You're just taking the chance that your miner's gonna hit the lottery? Well, no, because you joined the pool. So the

28:31 pool will pay you out every day. So in

28:53 APU per-terra hash. So right now, and there's actually a hash price index that Luxor has out. And it will kind of show you, I haven't checked what it is right now, but say around seven cents,

29:05 eight cents, this is probably my guess. We had a little price bump in the last couple of days, last few days. But so they pay you per-terra hash, like eight cents, whatever the market, and that

29:18 market is dictated by the Bitcoin price, but also the difficulty. And that's something else we can do - So I know - Jesus, this is gonna happen to me like a five part. The difficulty of solving

29:30 the block. The difficulty is based on how many miners are on the network, like how much terror has you contributed. So when you hear record hash rate, that's the difficulty rate going up. And so

29:42 - Just more miners coming. So there's less of a chance that you're going to head out. And so the more miners that come on, because remember there's a fixed supply of Bitcoin every day. So like

29:51 there's 900 a day right now. So 900 a day split up between however many terror has in the world are contributing to the network, right? So the more people that come on, you got more terror hash

30:03 coming on. So then your price or Europe price per terror hash goes down. And so what happened over the last like year, two years, is that Bitcoin's price starts tanking. But the difficulty

30:17 factors keeps going up. And a lot of that has to do right now because there were so many groups that were buying machines big bulk mass numbers of machines. it takes several months to get in, well,

30:30 they bottomed during the bull market. And then by the time they got them, price had dropped, well, they still got to bring them online. And so they bring them online. So your hash rate goes up,

30:41 while your profitability is going down, it's a double whammy - It's mixed my brain hurt. So it's a half so - It's

30:47 very much like one of gas - I'm gonna say something and like I have 10 more questions - I'm sorry - No, it's okay - No, it's good - It's just good - It's just good enough for 101 - I have learned a

30:57 lot - I have a question about taking it to the oil and gas. I was just gonna say, I love the roll - Yeah, yeah.

31:05 Whenever, so let's say a company, they wanna make their straightened gas do this - Yeah, do this - So let's have it - They're gonna mitigate their flare by generating electricity on site. And we

31:20 monetize that electricity - Okay, so the company does usually do The operators want. to monetize or is it like they want to sell it to - Right, so it's a mix. But for the most part right now where

31:38 we're at, in this cycle or in the stage of the industry, I would say most groups just want to sell that flare gas. They want to mitigate those four - And let miners buy it - And they're like, look,

31:51 we don't want to get in the Bitcoin mining, okay, we don't care. We just don't want to flare And if we can monetize that gas by not flaring, great. We'll do it - So they're selling it - So

32:01 they'll sell the gas. So typically what I'm doing a lot of right now is gas purchase agreements with operators. Where I just, you know, I'm working with miners. We're going to negotiate a deal

32:10 with the operator and we start buying the gas from the operator - And then do they have their mine on location - Usually it's on location - By the flaring - Right, right, by the flare stack - Where

32:21 is the, okay, this is like a oil and gas question, but where's a flare? Like it's, is it on the. what structure is it on - It's usually just offsetting the pad somewhere. Like it's - While

32:32 you're drilling - While you're drilling and then after production. After you're making production - Okay, and so the gas has to go somewhere. And prior to this, it was just - Burned - Yeah, heavy

32:42 water like drilling, past the dinner at Deer Park and all the - Flair, yeah, no, I see flares all the time, but I was wondering more like, yeah, are they associated with like rigs or pump jacks

32:54 or all the above or well-head or - All the above - The plain - Most of them right now are well-head. Most of them right now are well-head. But as oil and gas operators continue to kind of grow their

33:08 knowledge in it, which this show could be a big part of, right? Because honestly, what you guys are asking is no different than what I get asked from some of the very high up folks at oil and gas

33:19 companies. Like they ask me the same type of thing. So it's not, I mean, none of these are dumb questions at all It's very legitimate, but. This is part of the education time, you know what I

33:31 mean? Like the industry, we're so early in it still that these are legitimate questions that people just need to know. That it's not, number one, it's not this like crazy, operationally

33:42 intensive thing that's gonna interfere with your oil and gas operations. Like this is something very simple that we can set up and it's actually very much something that they've been doing for years

33:53 There's been natural gas electric generators, well natural gas generators that generate electricity on site for 20 years at least. So this is not like a novel concept. There's some groups out there

34:05 that are trying to pretend that they invented this. The reality is natural gas generators have been around for a long time. Now all you're doing is you're plugging in computers into utilize that

34:16 electricity - Instead of whatever else - Rather than well-head equipment or like salt water disposal problems, whatever it may be It's not really a novel concept. once the operators, the oil and

34:27 gas operators start to understand that more and on a bigger scale, they're gonna pour into it because it's the easiest way to mitigate a flare that I've ever seen - Well, and they get to make money

34:37 'cause I feel like if they're plugging that elect, they're using that electricity for something that's out of your own sight, better for the environment mitigating the gas, et cetera, but they're

34:46 not making, they're not getting paid for that. I feel like, oh, sorry, angels, go ahead. How do you determine the price? Like you're gonna go out of the - Right, good question - Yeah, it's a

34:56 good question. It's a good question. Not a dumb question, another one. You guys are not asking me - We ask smart questions - We do - Yeah, no, these are all good - We ask smart questions - And

35:06 you don't ask smart women - Because Bitcoin is very competitive, mining is very competitive, like one of the biggest inputs you need to factor in when you're trying to create a mine, or mining

35:14 company is your cost of power. That's your biggest op-ex number. So it's 80 to 90 of your op-ex is your cost of power. Um, the lower your power costs, the more you can say competitive. So like

35:29 right now we're in this low profitability timeframe of Bitcoin mining. So, um, you need your cost of power to be as low as possible. So your margins are bigger. Well, Bitcoin mining or a flare

35:42 gas mining is one of the cheaper ways to do it. Because you like there's no other use for that gas. Right. And so I'm buying it from you where you would normally be just burning off and getting

35:54 nothing out of it like you mentioned. And so that's what makes it really attractive. And so groups like giga energy that own their own generators. I mean, they're getting a super low cost of power

36:07 and that allows them when all the other miners with profitability drops and somebody's mining at five, six cents, they're mining at two, three, you know, and so it's like, we hit this

36:18 profitability break even right here. Well, they can keep operating because they're down here these other folks like we got to operate on loss. where we got to shut in. And so it's very much like

36:28 going to gas in that regard too. It's almost the same business as the only gas. And I'm gonna give you my analogy. And I bet anybody who actually cares what I have to say is like I've heard this

36:39 freaking dude say this a million times - It's gonna be your, the coin lawyer Twitter via - Right, yes. That's a great idea, Sydney, I like that - You're welcome. My PR services are available - I

36:52 was gonna say you must be a PR marketing So oil and gas is a well bore producing hydrocarbons that you sell for USD. Bitcoin mining is a nacic instead of a well bore. You produce terra hash that you

37:06 sell for Bitcoin. Both one of those industries, you wanna be the lowest cost operator producer barrel or the lowest cost operator producer Bitcoin. And so it's like this is the

37:18 same business. It's the same business. You don't need geology as much, But other than that, it's like, man, this is - this is ideal. The geology in this is finding the cheapest asset, right?

37:29 It's cheap as acid that I can produce a Bitcoin in. So, and that's electricity. So a flare gas mining is a great way to do that. And, um, and on top of that, you have the environmental benefit,

37:41 right? So, um, I feel like this is really like making it all come together for me. Cause I feel like obviously before I started here, I knew a Bitcoin was like, I'd heard of Bitcoin mining

37:52 didn't get it still until literally right now didn't fully understand why oil and gas companies like Michigan should accomplish or like how it was directly related to energy. Like I feel like I knew

38:05 that it had something through the flare gas, but I feel like someone needed to spell it out extra gas. Clay, I'm having a stroke, creates electricity, plug it in to the miner. Everyone wins,

38:19 except if you don't hit, right - Whatever - But again, that's why you join my new video, like Foundry or Luxor. Exactly, sponsor our pride guest - Yeah. Right, correct - Love that - This has

38:30 been very interesting. Now we're gonna go into Empower - Yeah, let's go - Just ready to go - Put me on the,

38:43 put me on the Bitcoin 101 - Yes - Yeah, you know what - No, I should have - What is that one to be about - Well, shameless plug, if anyone listening, whether you know about Bitcoin mining or not,

38:46 at Empower, we are having some 101 sessions on Bitcoin and Bitcoin mining. So in your comment, we won't be teaching - We won't be teaching - But so you can come and they'll be, at the beginning of

38:57 every day, so you can kind of get that base knowledge. Like we just did, status you're sitting at these panels with people like Justin, you're not completely fucking lost - There's also a like on

39:07 the network 101, which we

39:10 didn't really touch on - That's great - Yeah - Definitely do that. That would be very beneficial to a lot of people. Because we don't, like a lot of people, like I don't understand Bitcoin. I'm

39:19 like, do you understand Visa? Do you really understand how it works?

39:25 I know that - Yeah - I just swipe the card and - I just swipe it, I don't know how it works - Work for the rest - Yeah, there's like some dumbest thing in all this stuff. It's like, yeah, it's

39:34 just, I don't know. I just know they're taking a cut. And, but that's the thing, like, we fall for like this, like media narrative on so many things so often. And the reality is, if you kind

39:46 of look at things that are similar, you don't understand what the hell those are either - Right, but you don't question them - Because it's normal - It's very true - Yeah, it's new. I feel like

39:54 people are always skeptical and very, what's what I'm looking for? Just negative towards things they don't understand. And then negative things happen, like FTX, which is fine - Oh, God. And

40:05 they're like, this is why all Bitcoin is bad, but you don't actually know why - They don't, they don't, and there is an active effort to knock Bitcoin down from a variety of different angles and

40:16 for a variety of different groups. A lot of times, if you look at the FUD, which we basically fear and certainly doubt. that gets pumped out by different groups. If you back into it and boil it

40:28 down, I've seen a bunch of these studies that were done by like Bank of America, JP Morgan, all these groups that are like, well, you don't want this to succeed. So yeah, we're gonna talk about

40:41 the energy use. But we don't talk about, look, there's a ESG is talked about a lot with Bitcoin and Bitcoin mining in particular, but they only focus on the E and then it's environmental stuff,

40:54 but it really it's like, oh, energy consumption. They don't talk about the S or the G. And the S is like the social utility. What is going on with it? What are you using this energy for? If you

41:07 would look at it from that standpoint and not look at just like the naivete that we have in America about what other people live in around the world, there's a huge social value to Bitcoin and

41:20 Bitcoin mining in particular, because of what it can do for bringing power to places that don't have it right now - Right - These other countries that are around the world, they don't have the money

41:31 to go build out grid infrastructure to develop undeveloped areas in their country. Bitcoin mining, and this has been evidenced by what's going on in Africa right now with my boy up Marshall Long.

41:43 It's a way

41:46 to monetize grid infrastructure development in areas that would not normally get made - I have a question about that because I did listen to Yell's episode - Yeah - I think it's very, very cool. My

41:55 question was though, like how do they monetize? Is it because they're getting the Bitcoin - Right. So like think about like this, like if I'm going to Africa or El Salvador or wherever, El

42:07 Salvador's got like 60 of their country is undeveloped. And that's another thing people think about like, there's so many people who live in St. Salvador. Well, they don't have grid

42:15 infrastructure in other areas of the country. Like you have to, I don't want to go live in the jungle where I don't have any type of power and I can't. Right - Take shower or like - Right - Like

42:26 there's a lot of reasons why they continue to just pile up in these cities and they don't have the money to go develop these undeveloped areas. Well, I could take, if I was a country like that, I

42:36 could say, like, we can go mine Bitcoin, we can go build a solar facility out here, there's nobody that lives there, not yet, develop the grid and mine Bitcoin with it. And for the next three

42:48 to five years, we're gonna mine Bitcoin out there, generating revenue and generating return And while people then continue to start moving out there because now there's power, I can start diverting

42:59 the power away from the mining facility and send it to the residential commercial developer. And so then you can generate jobs, housing, tourism, all types of things and you can do it

43:09 strategically wherever you want within the country. So it's honestly, it's a super simple thing. It's like, I get paid just because I wanna join a mining pool and we run these machines off this

43:20 solar facility

43:23 I can start generating some income that starts paying down that facility, geothermal, hydro, whatever it may be. It's like, okay, we can afford to put this out here now because we can now

43:33 monetize it. It's like having a, we call it like the buyer of last resort. So it's

43:40 a consumer of that electricity and you're gonna get paid for it. So it allows you to take money that you wouldn't normally afford to be able to put somewhere and put it into grid development There

43:51 will also be a panel on that added power - Yeah - You guys have me on all these - You just answered our first rapid fire question. Why should we care about? Wait, before we go into rapid fire - Oh,

44:02 I'm scared. Uh oh, it's nervous - Oh no, it'll be easy - You already answered the first one - Yeah, that's a good one - Explaining the difference between Bitcoin and crypto. So a lot like

44:12 2016, I was actually in the crypto space - Really - I was like a

44:20 community manager, moderate. I was in a bunch of these telegram groups. I moderated everything. I was like marketing these ICOs. Yeah. Oh, let me tell you, this was like the biggest. That was

44:33 in the day too. It was insane. So these people, I mean, they were crazy. And the amount of money that people were putting into these ICOs with no product or anything, like nothing developed. I

44:49 don't think any of the companies I worked for actually lasted I mean, I don't think anything. They were selling the coins before. Before there was even like a product. There was no technology.

44:58 They were thought. Right. There was no coins. There was nothing. That is unfortunately gets tied to Bitcoin a lot for people that are not really knowledgeable. Yeah. It's unfortunate because

45:11 it's not related to Bitcoin at all. And it's actually, in my opinion, like the antithesis of Bitcoin. Bitcoin does not have a group that can go sell Bitcoin. Just to generate a bunch of revenue

45:23 based off this crazy idea - Yeah - Bitcoin is, in my mind, a store value that is equivalent to like, and I know a lot of people would disagree, I don't care, like a digital type of gold, right?

45:37 This is one where I believe Bitcoin can revolutionize the way that we interact with each other from a monetary standpoint. These other assets, and that's mainly because there's not one person, one

45:51 group, anybody controls it. They can't, all of a sudden decide, you know what? We know there's 21 million Bitcoin, but no, we're gonna make it 42, nine - Right, yeah - Like,

46:01 Vitalik, Ethereum, all these other groups and coins, they can do that - Yeah - As we've seen with Ethereum going to POS, proof of sake.

46:12 That is not something that can happen in Bitcoin. And theoretically, I guess it could, you have to have 51 of the network does, it's not gonna happen. It's virtually almost impossible in my mind.

46:24 So there are ways it could happen, but it'd be very, very difficult. So it's in my mind, in my opinion, it's almost an incorruptible system, which is what I want my money tied to. I don't want

46:40 my money subject to the whims of some dude. And I don't know if you've seen the italic, but that ain't the dude I want my money tied to. You know what I mean? So all these crypto boys create their

46:53 own. Oh yeah, anybody can. And there's going to be a lot of, there's going to be a rectangle. That's why. I also think it kind of sucks for blockchain technology, because I think there's a lot

47:06 of power in the blockchain and a lot of cool things that could come from it. But it's all clouded with people trying to create all these coins.

47:17 You're right. And it's unfortunate. This is what happens in life so many times. You know what I mean? It's like, there's good things, but people realize the good in it. And then they try to

47:26 take it to the end of the day and they destroy it. And so it's now it's like, 'cause a lot of the maxies, they just hate the term blockchain. They hate all this. And I get it, but it's like, I

47:35 do see the value in blockchain.

47:38 I come from the whole gas world. There's a lot of applications where they make a lot of sense. And help, you know, help smooth things out and like speed things up, make it more efficient. But

47:49 unfortunately, you've got all these freaking crypto bros that are out there just trying to monetize. And I don't wanna use two-fowl language, but basically like - You can say that for it if you

47:60 want - It's with the same like - It's like people over there - No, I feel like crypto is like also the same as NFTs. And I just feel like they are - Right, it's a fact - Yes, yeah - That's a whole

48:08 NFT

48:12 is a whole other thing. I'm like, what does that even mean? What does it stand for? What does it mean? We're not getting into that today. We're not. We'll be here forever. That is true. We're

48:20 late to our dance party. I know a whole lot about

48:23 it. Yeah, I guess we have a dance party to do so. But to Joel's point, you did answer her first rapid-fire. You did why we should care about Bitcoin. Number two is just like, what's the number

48:32 one misconception about the Bitcoin industry?

48:36 Well, I think that the energy use is bad. I think that is such a bad, bad way to think of things Because again, when you look at energy consumption, I think that you have to evaluate its use case.

48:52 And then people that said there's no value to Bitcoin. I heard he got in a rug in the other day talking about it. And he's pretty respectable dude. I think he's from Missouri. At least went to

48:59 school in Missouri, which is unfortunate. So I'm from Missouri as well. And I just always brag about Missouri. And then I had this dude in there talking about Peter Zajon. He's a sharp guy. I

49:08 enjoyed everything else he had to say. I think he's completely wrong on that But

49:14 that is - probably the biggest misconception. There's no value to it. And it doesn't have a use case. And the energy consumption then doesn't justify it being - Existory - Yeah. So that to me is

49:27 the biggest misconception because again, as evidenced by like what's happening in Africa and El Salvador, it's like, no, bringing banking or some system of banking to people is one of the best

49:41 ways to enhance their lifestyle and their livelihood. And like people in El Salvador's hardly anybody had access to banking. This is a way to where it's like, look, is it a bank? No, but is it a

49:53 way to basically hold your money and not have to be sticking cash under your mattress - Yeah - Yes. So - It's an air-thing - It's an air-thing - They're quality of money - Very naive - Very naive -

50:03 When I feel like there are some countries where the government and I would assume therefore banking system is super corrupt - Oh, absolutely - So this completely It's not risk of. Right - Just

50:15 getting fucked over by your own government, right - Very good point, Sydney. That you're taking the power out of the bank, saying it's a government saying put it in yours. And another one is like,

50:23 you look at the trucker rallies up in Canada. If you remember, the government steps in and starts - They lock their accounts - Right - Locking people's accounts and shutting them down and not

50:33 allowing them to donate to certain things, forcing fundraising groups to turn over information to them and then they go and literally start punishing people over that, Bitcoin eliminates that - Yeah

50:46 - I can send money wherever I want, peer to peer. I don't need some government lackey authorizing me to send money wherever I wanted to send it - Yeah, I just, what a fucking concept. That

50:59 someone came up with this and like thought it all out - It's remarkable. I honestly, I thought that same thing. I'm like, man, I don't wanna sound like over the top or like, I don't know,

51:11 hyperbolic in my rhetoric, It's remarkable. It's like it is genius - Even if you're not, even if you don't want to buy in, you still have to admit it's a pretty fucking genius idea - I agree

51:24 completely. It's to think it out the way they did. I'm not a computer nerd, but I'm like, Holy shit, these motherfuckers smart - Satoshi wherever you are - Oh, I use smart lefthuck -

51:35 Right, it's impressive. Very impressive - Jules, number three last one - Number three, last one - What's your most embarrassing story - In your career - In my career - Yeah, we're only - We

51:46 actually, we're flapping - Just, I like that, whatever one you wanna tell - Gosh, let's see. Ooh, there's some that are not air appropriate at all. I can tell

51:59 you my most embarrassing in my career. I'll tell you that one for sure. I was working at Anadarko, and I like to thank myself

52:09 a a had we And. player basketball basketball court at Anadarko, right? And, uh,

52:13 I do have some friends and they're gonna listen this and they're gonna die laughing when they were talking about it. 'Cause they actually have pictures of what I looked like after the seven, but

52:21 there was a dude that was playing against. He was like six, seven big old guys, a accountant, of course. And I won't say his name 'cause I don't wanna put him on blast, but there was only like

52:30 one, six, seven accountant in the world. And yeah, so I like you drove to the middle lane and like pump faked and he jumped and - He's right - I tried to like kind of go around him and his hip,

52:44 hit me in the nose, shatters my nose, just explodes it. I like saw white and I go down on my hands and knees and I hear everybody making fun of me, but I can't like see anything. And I look up

52:58 and the first thing I see is my buddy's face, Parker Ald, and he's looking at me, he's like laughing and then his face goes, and I was like, what? And I felt the blood just come out and I mean,

53:10 My nose was, it's already big. It was enormous, enormous - Wait, did you say that there was a photo - There is a photo, there is a photo out there - What are you saying - I know, I'm not gonna

53:22 ask if we get inserted - I'm sure my buddy, Kade, would have this photo and he would love to send it out. But so then I go to the sideline bleeding everywhere, and somebody thought there was a

53:34 fight 'cause it sounded like a punch, right? And they come down like, oh my gosh, you know, are you okay? And I'm like, nah, I'm not. I'm good - No, I'm not okay - Not at all. A girl comes

53:46 down and hands me a tampon to stick in my nose - It's a new line - And I'm like, no, no, she's like, do it. This is what they do in the military. And I'm like, I'm up here with like, this is

53:57 like a frat house. So you know, it was like a frat house at the time. I'm like, if you think I'm sticking a tampon, my nose right now, I hope you're front of all my friends - And it's actually

54:06 gonna stop that kind of bleeding - You did it - I did it - No - I did it -

54:09 Have you guys seen She's the Man with the Antibine?

54:13 Yeah, they do it there - Yeah, so yeah, I ended up sticking a tampon in my nose at a interdong - From both sides - Yeah, well that's what I'm like, if it's coming out both sides, did it stalk?

54:24 Can you bring - Oh no, I even had a little piece, had pierced the skin up here. Like it just - Jeez, I'm dead - Oh, yes, it was

54:35 perfect. But yeah, that was pretty embarrassing. So, and I missed my vacation after that - Yeah, that's a good one - Did you work at Anondark? I heard their holiday parties were a little wild -

54:45 We had a - We had a, they had Maroon 5 - Yeah, it was, yeah, we had Maroon 5. We had Zach Brown being - What - Yeah, I mean, we're in five came, like I didn't see my wife like the whole night.

54:55 I'm pretty sure that - She was

54:58 like, blamish - She was like, blamish - Blamish, blamish - She was backslapping me right there - It was definitely like, whoa, I have not seen her for like four hours - She's, she was thriving.

55:08 I mean, she definitely was - Yeah, she definitely was time.

55:12 I love it - I love it - It was incredible. Christmas parties are great. I don't think they do that anymore - They don't. I was about to say, can you get invited and invite us? I was gonna say,

55:19 how can I get into these elite oil and gas prices - Oh, right. I forgot that - You know, I don't know if they happen like that anymore. I think they kind of, yeah, with the downturn really kind

55:29 of sparks it - I heard, I don't know about the banned portion of it, but I heard the KPMG was pretty wild - I bet - From some reliable sources - Yes - Inside sources - Inside sources - I think it

55:41 invited to these - Oh, they're a good sign - Oh, they're a good sign - No, Jules, you need a finance bro boyfriend that works for one - Oh, thanks for having me - How can I get my surf friends

55:49 out of this - That will get us in - Inserted in these three - If everyone gets plus ones, Julie and I will go with whatever little 25 year old bro needs to date. We'll just show up. Just be like,

55:59 hey, they're both not single, but they're really fun - Well, I'm glad we can do that - And you're gonna have a good time - I'll tell you, there's maybe 25 of lot a not. Five-year-old ones.

56:08 There's a lot of like 65-year-old dudes that would love to take you to the other direction - Oh, whoa, the other direction.

56:14 It would probably be more fancy that way too - Yeah, yeah - Yeah, that would be dudes - Yeah, they definitely take you to better pre-dinner and all that, yeah - Take us in the limo - Oh, I like

56:23 the way your hips are - All right - 65-year-old dudes - We're available - We're available - That's up - Yeah - The holiday party plus funds for hire - Hit me up on LinkedIn. Julian talent bio, I

56:33 love to do. That is her LinkedIn bio - It's really - I love to dance - All right, all right - Oh, but then it's like, oh wait, this is a professional platform -

56:43 You followed that up with, oh wait, this is a professional platform - And then it's like marketing and digital archives -

56:50 Well, this is great - Justin, thank you so much - Yeah, no - I feel like I learned a shit ton - Yeah - Really - Yeah, well, stuff that I feel like when I read stuff like this, I still don't

56:59 understand that - Like the whole FTX thing, I'm like what was happening and now I try - And I try Allegedly, that's my. lawyer way of protecting myself. Allegedly, it's a positive scheme in my

57:12 opinion - Yeah, 100 for sure - That's literally what it was. They were taking money for somebody else and - Putting it here? Putting it here - Yeah - And surprise, they have no money - Right, and

57:21 it blows my mind that groups like Sequoia and these groups would give money to what I've heard and what I've read. I don't know whether it's actually factual, but not even having an accounting

57:34 department or a CFO - Celebrities too - Right - We're all in - It blows my mind, blows my mind. I've raised money with private equities and it's like there was no way that they would do something

57:46 like that. So it's really, I don't know. It's very interesting to me - What a

57:51 time to be alive - Yeah, right. Julie, do we have any announcements? I'm sure we do - We do. We have One Night coming up February 1st - Yes, this isn't true - That's right - Yeah, same spot - 6

58:04 pm - B there - Or B square - Yes. And then we have energy tech night February 9th - Mm-hmm - Yeah, I'm gonna check that out - I have no Vince - You better be there - Are you coming - I'll go - I

58:16 have not been to one yet - They're fine - They're definitely one of my favorite events - When I was going home with the gold chain this time - Yeah - No bell - They're not the other side - It's about

58:25 to get real - I'm gonna be in Bahrain on February 9th - What - Where - What's Bahrain - Bahrain - Actually we might need to cut this bar. I can't maybe say that - What is Bahrain - It's a country -

58:37 I'll scratch that - I'm in the Middle East - Yeah - Well lucky for you, we have three more energy tech nights. So you have your choice of - You can come down to Ullman City, or Midland - I like

58:47 Dipper - Come to Dipper - Yeah, I do - I like that - Yeah, come on - It's a club - Oh, is it real - It is a club - Oh, that is so fun - It's a night club - A club - It is a club - How's, I'm old.

58:57 So what is the difference in a club?

59:05 I don't even know I just feel like me and my friends because we're also getting over like Oh the clear I never heard that before and you're like walking around the clear and so now I think Me and my

59:14 mom walk around and we're like we're going to the

59:20 clear What is the difference in club We say it

59:30 I don't even know where I got it or where it came from it's just like the cool ways This the

59:42 club I don't know I'm looking for the

59:50 club I love it. Well, thank you for having me. Yeah. Thanks for coming on. Yeah. Thank you for coming on Enjoy your show sure like last minute Yeah, I have no problem - I'm a good filling guy,

1:00:03 you know, whenever you need some - If you wanna learn more - Call God, I'm gonna be boring - Do you wanna learn more - No, I feel like we definitely need like a part two, for sure - Oh, yeah,

1:00:10 let's do it. Any time, totally done. We're actually recording an episode here in like two hours, so I might even change my shirt just so I don't look like weird. I don't wear the same thing every

1:00:20 day - You could do another shot. There are times to charm - Let's do it, get it out - Oh, another shot - But you all have to take one this time - We all have to take one - We'll take one - You need

1:00:30 a warm up, Sydney. You're getting ready to go on cowboys' rent - Which one's this - I know - This one - Yeah, I guess. I like, you like yours - How big your group deals is that you guys are going

1:00:40 on - Oh, it just made my boyfriend - Oh, really - Yeah, it was our Kristen's best, I mean - Nice - To each other, we decided to do a trip and so - Oh, she's a little bit tiny - Yeah - Can I put

1:00:49 a little Coke in it? Is that, are you taking one? You want some soda in your shot - There we go. You feel like it. I'm just a little baby.

1:00:59 I can do that. That's enough - Oh, I hear the bottle? Oh, my gosh - Pick your poison. Ooh - All right - See now this is the definition of a clue. We're in the clairm - We're in the clairm - And

1:01:13 we're in a wild clairm - Oh. All right - Ooh -

1:01:21 Man - Like and subscribe - Guys, how do you all take a picture - Like and subscribe - Like and subscribe.

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